Some thoughts on Zig testing
I’ve been writing a lot of tests in Zig lately.
Frictionless testing
I love how effortless it is to start writing a test in Zig. Today I wrote this function for my fuzzy finder zf:
/// Scan left and right for the length of the current path segment
pub fn segmentLen(str: []const u8, index: usize) usize {
if (str[index] == '/') return 1;
var start = index;
var end = index;
while (start > 0) : (start -= 1) {
if (str[start - 1] == '/') break;
while (end < str.len and str[end] != '/') : (end += 1) {}
return end - start;
The specifics don’t matter, but in short: given a string and an index in the string, it returns the length of the surrounding path segment.1.
What does matter is how easy it was to add a test. I wrote the function, then two lines below it I immediately wrote my tests.
test "segmentLen" {
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 1), segmentLen("a", 0));
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 1), segmentLen("/a", 1));
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 1), segmentLen("/a/", 1));
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 3), segmentLen("src/main.zig", 0));
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 3), segmentLen("src/main.zig", 2));
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 8), segmentLen("src/main.zig", 5));
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 1), segmentLen("a/b", 1));
I appreciate how Zig encourages me to write more tests by making the process frictionless. No new test files or test runners to configure. It just works. Of course, Zig isn’t unique in permitting tests written alongside the implementation in the same file.
Custom test functions
The Zig standard library comes with several useful testing functions in the std.testing
namespace like expect()
, expectEqual()
, and expectEqualStrings()
. It wasn’t until recently that I realized how useful it would be to write my own.
I occasionally find a case where zf doesn’t rank as well as I want. When that happens I tweak my ranking algorithm and add a new test to prevent regressions. Because the exact ranking scores could change when I update the ranking algorithm, I only test the expected order of rankings rather than the scores themselves.
To make regressions easier to debug, I wrote this custom test function.
fn testRankCandidates(
tokens: []const []const u8,
candidates: []const []const u8,
expected: []const []const u8,
) !void {
var ranked_buf = try testing.allocator.alloc(Candidate, candidates.len);
const ranked = rankCandidates(ranked_buf, candidates, tokens, false, false, false);
for (expected) |expected_str, i| {
if (!std.mem.eql(u8, expected_str, ranked[i].str)) {
std.debug.print("\n======= order incorrect: ========\n", .{});
for (ranked[0..@min(ranked.len, expected.len)]) |candidate| std.debug.print("{s}\n", .{candidate.str});
std.debug.print("\n========== expected: ===========\n", .{});
for (expected) |str| std.debug.print("{s}\n", .{str});
std.debug.print("\n================================", .{});
std.debug.print("\nwith query:", .{});
for (tokens) |token| std.debug.print(" {s}", .{token});
std.debug.print("\n\n", .{});
return error.TestOrderIncorrect;
runs my ranking algorithm rankCandidates()
on a slice of candidates
against a slice of query tokens
. Then the output is compared to the expected
lines. In the case of a failure, the function outputs a few lines of debug output before returning an error. Zig tests fail when an error is returned.
This test is to ensure the path ./app/models/foo/bar/baz.rb
is ranked first for the query mod/baz.rb
test "ranking consistency" {
try testRankCandidates(
A regression in my ranking algorithm would look like this:
❯ zig build test
Test [19/22] test.zf ranking consistency...
======= order incorrect: ========
========== expected: ===========
with query: mod/baz.rb
Test [19/22] test.zf ranking consistency... FAIL (TestOrderIncorrect)
/Volumes/code/zf/src/filter.zig:629:13: 0x10033f2cb in testRankCandidates (test)
return error.TestOrderIncorrect;
/Volumes/code/zf/src/filter.zig:686:5: 0x100340777 in test.zf ranking consistency (test)
try testRankCandidates(
21 passed; 0 skipped; 1 failed.
It flags the failure with error.TestOrderIncorrect
, and clearly outputs the mismatched lines and query used. This makes it easy for me to debug what went wrong.
Those are my thoughts; nothing groundbreaking here. I just think it’s great that Zig ships with a built-in test runner, and makes the test writing process frictionless and flexible.
In zf, a path segment is any portion of a path delimited by separators. So in the path
are segments. For the purposes of zf, a single/
is also considered a segment. This is used in the strict path matching functionality I recently added.↩︎︎